Surplus Birds

Historically, surplus birds have been sold yearly to approved buyers. As of 2024, the collection at Blue Creek Aviaries is non-breeding and we are not taking waiting list inquiries. We apologize for this inconvenience. One starting point to look for birds for sale is on If you have specific inquiries about a species you are interested in, feel free to utilize the form below. Expect a delay in receiving a response.


Many of the ducks kept at Blue Creek Aviaries are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and therefore require a Waterfowl Sale and Disposal Permit to be able to keep, breed, and sell the listed species.  The link for the application form for the federal license is:  Below is a list of the species that we raise that require a permit, but for the entire list, visit:

  • Smew

  • Baer's pochard

  • Baikal teal

Our young birds are close-banded to meet the requirements of the FWS.  If you intend to buy a licensed species then you will have 30 days to apply for a federal permit.  Keep in mind that each state also has its own requirements.  For fellow New Yorkers, you will have to select one of the two licenses (keep in mind that you cannot sell if you do not obtain the Class A license):  

All shipments of licensed ducks will come with Form 3-186.  Three copies will be sent out, and I will require two filled-out copies to be sent back to me.

Shipping Live birds

At Blue Creek Aviaries, we ship via USPS Priority Mail Express and Delta Cargo (I highly recommend airline shipping for diving ducks especially). There will be a shipping box or shipping crate fee, respectively, charged in addition to the cost of the birds and shipping cost. Although I can ensure that the birds I ship out are healthy, once they leave my hands, I have no control over what happens and make no guarantees. The majority of shipping at Blue Creek Aviaries occurs in the fall. By this time, the offspring can be sexed and it is cool enough to ship. I do ship all other times of the year except during the summer. Keep in mind that pickup is always an option that I am welcome to; it is a less stressful and quicker option.   

Please inquire for more shipping details and/or to get a price estimate. Please see the note below regarding embargoed zip codes for USPS.

This was taken from
If your shipping zip codes start with any of these three digits - that means there is a USPS embargo on shipping live animals to your zip. We will have to ship to an alternative zip code. USPS embargoed zip codes begin with 044, 046, 148, 149, 307, 356-58, 373, 374, 466, 496, 544, 548, 556-558, 564, 590-593, 596-599, 620, 622-624, 628-634, 636-639, 648, 650-658, 716-722, 725-729, 740, 741, 743-749, and 821.

Since I have had live bird shipments returned due to a USPS embargo, I will be using this list to determine whether I will be able to ship to your zip code or not. Please take time to review the list. My customers in embargoed zip code regions have managed to get birds shipped to them by using another Post Office (with a zip code not listed above) with the Hold for Pickup option. Contact me to arrange something if you would like to still purchase something and have an embargoed zip code. Thanks for understanding.